Glories, Majestic Ones, Dragons, those terms are used interchangeably
in this story. Currently, there are around fifty dragons remaining in the
Kingdom. Twenty are being cared for at the Conservation. Nine are housed by the
power company Consolidated Grid. The remaining are out in the wild that is the
underbelly of this concrete jungle. Seven are mentioned in this first book.
Sutherland is the foremost expert in dragonology. Let’s take a peak at his log
to get to know these wingless wonders a little better.
Ohm – Light Gray – Emits Electricity – Consolidated Grid. Ohm is one of the
main energy sources for Consolidated Grid. His nick name could be Times Square
because he practically powers it up. He understands that partnering with Consolidated
Grid has sky high potential. He is also recently beholden to Catatrina.
Ampy – Charcoal – Emits Electricity
– Wild One. “On an average day, Ampy would be considered the easiest in the
bunch to handle, not because she was on the smaller side but because she was
one of the few who liked interaction. She was playful by nature, but her bite
could still take a limb right off.”
Char & Pyre – Black and Purple – Emits Fire - Wild Ones.
“Twin sisters Char and Pyre were snappy fire-breathers and did not like being
around the rest of their kin. They were black and purple with motley black
hair; the only way he could tell them apart was by the differing patterns of
scars on their bodies.”
Ember – Dark Red – Emits Fire - Wild One. “Ember had a dark
red complexion with splashes of slithering brown all over his body... Fire
dragons were known to have larger nostrils, but his were exceptionally so.”
Volta – Mustard Yellow – Emits Electricity – Wild One. “She had
been one of the most magnificent during their time of grandeur. Lauded for her
golden coloring, on a bright day, she would be called the Sun That Flies.
Nowadays, the gold skin had faded to a muted mustard yellow.”
Glacey – Pale Blue – Emits Ice – Consolidated Grid. “The
runt of her pack, she was about twelve feet long with pale blue, leathery skin
and patches of dark blue hair on her mane and other places on her body. Her
skin tone was not the only thing that set her apart. There were also several
streaks of purple, indications of a troubled life.”
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