These few words were meant to be legal fine print. Handle and imagine with care! Thread further at your own risk! There is an addictive component to this material, possible dependency may occur.
Originally, this image was going to be called the totem pole disclaimer. Stacking these symbols seem to express the message differently than in other formats. Sometimes, I also view this as a four colored traffic light. When you progress downward, the words would go from green to red. If you choose to go forward after that, well, you were warned.
Let it be known, I cannot bear any responsibility if one becomes inclined to hunt for alligators in the sewer. Let it be known, hoping to catch a gladiatorial competition at the West Side Rail yards is trespassing and done so on your own volition. Let it be known, breaching the restricted areas of the Central Park zoo in search of rare creatures is not advised under any circumstance.
With that being said, I actually refer to this image as Community DNA nowadays. The warning is appropriate because those bearing this sequence in their genome can do the unimaginable. Look out world, there's something special inside.
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