Monday, July 6, 2020

A.P.’s quest for reviews.

In the act of penning this story, there wasn’t much structure involved to bind me. I would regularly write out of sequence and only when inspiration was in great supply. This for the most part was fun. Now that I have a polished product, real work had to be put in to have it marketed. A game plan needs to be implemented and the first step is to acquire reviews. This for the most part was not so much fun.   

During this process, these are some sobering facts that I have discovered. Over a million new books were published last year. There are thousands of reviewers but on average they receive dozens of review requests week after week after week. In a field of a million people raising their hands, my fellow authors and I are all screaming pick me.

I have to admit, it is pretty daunting when surveying the odds in its totality. If anything, I was going to need a killer solicitation letter to stand out. Luckily as an imaginative writer of fiction, this shouldn’t be too hard. I drafted up the following and I think it’s a winner perhaps with some tweaks.

Hello Random Stranger,

My name is a person you’ve never heard of before. I would like you to do something for me. This will require you to spend hours of your life reading a questionably put together product. After that you will have to spend additional time writing a summary of your thoughts then post it on Amazon and various other places. Your compensation will be the joy you receive from reading this. Oh, remember to be kind. You know, karma and the barking dog part.

Sincerely, I know where you live,
Your soon to be favorite author. 


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