Saturday, July 4, 2020

Me, myself and an idea

It was during the fall of 2016 when some aspirational taps on a keyboard finally kickstarted this stalled project. I had attempted to begin this process several times before. However, the fantastical which floated around in my mental ether never looked right in print. Where the rubber hit the road or in this instance where the text popped on the screen, there was a major disconnect. The fluidity of my imagination could never be read as more than a few barely sensible sentences slapped together haphazardly. 

Crouched in an Upper East Side coffee house for a little over an hour each week, I committed myself to this endeavor. Me/free time was scant, and these were moments I finally had just to myself. Week after week I again slapped together new sentences. Every following week I would always find myself reworking what I had written the previous time around. After about five weeks, I finally had a full page that I was proud of.

My struggle was not with conceiving the story as a good portion of my life had been spent daydreaming the unimaginable. My problem had been with properly articulating my voice and desired prose. After capturing what I deemed to be the right flow, it did just that and flowed. Once the first chapter was in my back pocket, an unknown number of additional ones would subsequently follow. Previously contained in darkness, this fanciful concoction would finally be brought to light.


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