Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Mighty Morphing Powerful Trolls

Trolls have always been a common inclusion within fantasy stories. They make for easy antagonists as they almost always maintain the negative attributes of being grotesque, surly and dumb. I wanted to reimagine them differently as protagonists and that act would require providing them with a sense of humanity to their personas. It was determined that the best way to do so would be to give them an actual human looking side. This provides for a little more relatability as it is far easier to connect with Bruce Banner and Dr, Jekyll than it is with the Hulk and Mr. Hyde.

Living near the Queensboro/59th Street Bridge, on a non-Covid day I would pass by it almost daily. It was easy for me to envision a grunt (group of trolls) claiming the various parts of its underbelly as a home.  

There is a healthy rivalry between the boroughs that comprise New York City. It just seems natural that there should be some kind of competition among the inhabitants representing those spans as well. Mets vs Yankees, Knicks vs Nets and unbeknownst to most, there is also the Q Squad vs M Block vs K Band vs X Caste.


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