Sunday, July 5, 2020

nuff said

I have probably read about a hundred novels in my life. Depending on who you ask, that could be considered impressive or lacking. What I used to devour though were comic books and that number would easily be over a thousand. In grade school, I was extremely fascinated by Greek mythology and that loosely translated into a fondness for Thor. I eventually discovered the X-Men when they were just uncanny and from there I was hooked on the M the C did not exist yet U.

My story telling maintains many characteristics of this form such as the concept of a large shared universe, veiled introductions, origin stories, multiple plot lines and Easter Eggs. Trollish behavior is accomplished not only by the grunts within these pages but also by the author. Team ups have a propensity of happening, the student teacher element is commonly portrayed, and there are always sprinkles of romance.

All these elements seem like a winning combination to me. It also happens to be the only way I can tell a story. I’ve had struggles with my editors’ feedback to revise certain sections because of the perceived awkwardness of this non-traditional approach. In the end, I decided that I would make my grits the way I want and that also applies to my mush. Enjoy the mush.    


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